Outsmart the Startup Game

Outsmart the Startup Game through a lesser known approach to business – Acquisition Entrepreneurship – that the most savvy entrepreneurs are using to build their business empire with less stress, less risk, and more

(For less than the cost of a second-hand iPhone)

The New Approach:
Acquisition Entrepreneurship

You are meant to do great things. You feel it deep in your bones! Through the Buy Then Build model, you will learn how to approach new businesses in the smartest possible way – using the same strategy that helped a 22 year kid go from broke to owning 5 hotels and 7 apartment complexes. And the same approach that I’ve used to acquire 7 businesses and generate 100x as much income in the exact same amount of time it took my first startup to start, grow, then die. (Hint: my clients are doing it too, in industry from hospitality to manufacturing to software).



So you want to start your first business. You’ve been bitten by the business bug, and now it’s time to learn, and fast! If you want to build the entire business infrastructure from scratch, then close this tab right now, and go ahead and start pulling out your fingernails. Or better, acquire a business with all the infrastructure already rocking, and begin by doing the fun stuff – scaling up a business that you know actually works, from 6 figures to 7 figures, and beyond.

Experienced Entrepreneur

You’ve already built a business or two (or ten). Maybe they succeeded, or maybe some failed. You know how most of it works, and you want to make sure you maximize your impact with your next project. I’m here to show you how you can take your resources and skillsets and, instead of linearly grinding out growth, generate 10x, exponential growth. The best part? It’s a formula that you can use again and again, stopping the growth.

Business Moguls/ Empires

You’re influential. You have a portfolio of investments and businesses. Your dinner reservation next Tuesday is with your state senator, and after that you’ll throw bags of money out your window as you drive down the street in your hot red lamborghini (ok ok, maybe not that last part – but a guy can dream, right?)

I will show you how you can acquire entire channels of distribution, expand into complimentary product lines, and absorb entire databases of customers, so these rising tides lift all your boats – or in this case, yachts 🙂

Here's the 8 module course
that will change EVERYTHING

• How you can acquire a seven figure business for under $100,000 (and how the US government wants to help you do it)
• How to tap into the $10 trillion in business value that needs to change hands
• Learn how to eliminate 95% of the risk of starting a business, while keeping all the upside
• In this Module, you’ll clarify your business vision and set inspiring growth goals, so you can start taking the first steps in AE, beginning with the important pre-planning for acquisition, including…
• Using the Entrepreneurial Self-Assessment Survey to identify your entrepreneurship style
• Personal Goals Worksheet, to match your personal goals with your business goals
• Strengths and Weaknesses Inventory – so you can leverage your unique strengths and personality to build a world-class business.
• What type of business will help you perform at your highest level? Do you want to focus on optimizing opportunities for turnaround time, an eternally profitable business, or the highest growth? This module will help you pick the perfect approach for you.
• How to set up a pipeline of whatever opportunities that you want, so you are never in short supply of amazing new potential projects.
• Learn which companies are a good fit for acquisition entrepreneurship and which ones aren’t.
• How to profile your perfect company
• Calculating the size of a business that you can afford
• Create your target statement, which you will use as a little cheat-sheet to help you screen for the best opportunities, based on exactly what you want
• Also includes – Industry reaction worksheet
• The search for opportunities – how do you actually go about finding AQ opportunities?
• How do you know if they are legit? Where are the best places to look?
• Once you find them, how to do you start screening them down?
• In this module we break down the exact steps for searching and ultimately building out a pipeline of opportunities, so that you have sustainable “deal flow”
• In this module we explore the key factors to consider in the process of acquiring a business and how to make sure you get the best value
• How do you go from 100 great opportunities to the 2-3 BEST ones?
• The exact steps to assessing the health of a business
• Asset-based valuation vs. cashflow-based valuation
• SDE analysis
• The Unicorn Tool Box
• We also start exploring how you can finance your acquisition, including funding sources, common sticking points, and even how to “pitch” to banks
• What’s the experience of selling a company like from the seller’s perspective?
• Why almost all buyers approach sellers in the exact wrong way, and how to use that to your advantage to get ahead of the competition
• The 6 questions to ask yourself after you first meet with a seller to determine if it’s the right deal
• In this module, you get the inside scoop so that you can understand exactly what’s on the seller’s mind, how to approach the seller of a company to ensure the deal works in your favor, and even how the process works so that when YOU sell your company, you’re an old pro by then!
• The Acquisition phase, from start to finish, including an overview and examples of these assets: The letter of intent, Diligence checklist, and Asset purchase agreement
• Acquisition contingencies
• The 6 steps of emotional negotiations
• The 5 minute stress test before making an offer
• The non-owner advantage
• A breakdown of the incentives and communication channels of all parties involves – buyer, seller, broker, banker, accountant, and lawyer
• The 3 types of due diligence to make to create triple the certainty
• This modules thoroughly review the crucial components to buying a business and how to make sure everything goes smoothly, all the way through the final close.
• Once you’ve acquired the business – now what? Learn the important first steps of growing your new business and maximizing your return on investment, whether that’s through income from the business, or from flipping the business
• The 7 step closing process
• Acquisition as an exit strategy
• This module goes step by step through the process of going from “bought the company” to either “stable cashflow / lifestyle biz” or “built value then sold it”
• And once your first acquisition is successful…how can you leverage that into acquiring 10 more….?
• Also includes a breakdown of the first 90 days of your new acquisition, and the 3 growth models.

All Case Studies, Experts And Interviews 
Included In Your Membership


As a serial acquisition entrepreneur, Jeff has successfully purchased businesses across multiple industries including growing those businesses through acquisition.


Director of Mommy Connections, provides West Toronto moms & babies with an opportunity to learn, laugh and connect in a meaningful way via classes and special events.


Charles previously worked at HBM Holdings, a St. Louis-based investment and management firm, where he provided strategic planning, oversight, and operational support for HBM’s platform companies. 


Katalyst Partners founder and managing partner who has a mission to acquire and grow multiple portfolio companies in consumer goods and franchising. 


Mike has a B.S. from the University of Missouri – Columbia and a MBA from Webster University. Mike serves as the Mayor of Glendale, MO and also as an Adjunct Professor of Marketing and Entrepreneurship at Webster University.


 During the last five years John has served as CEO of Mira Smart Conferencing, a business providing content management, abstract collection, peer review and itinerary planning for conferences.


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$ 499 One Payment


We’re happy to answer any questions
 you might have and help you make
 the wisest choice for you.


Walker Deibel
Serial Entrepreneur and Author

Walker Deibel cofounded three startups and has acquired seven companies. He is the founder and Managing Partner of the holding company, Centra, as well as an advisor for online entrepreneurs. He holds an MBA from the Olin School of Business at Washington University in St. Louis where he received the Declaration of Achievement in Entrepreneurship from the Skandalaris Center of Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Walker is a Certified M&A Advisor and former SEC licensed stock broker. Walker has also produced almost a dozen films and had premieres at some of the world’s most prestigious festivals, including Sundance, SXSW, and Toronto International Film Festival. He is the author of Buy Then Build: How Acquisition Entrepreneurs Outsmart the Startup Game, released in fall 2018 by Lioncrest Publishing.


A successful business is a truly unique vehicle for driving forward everything from industry innovation, to societal change, to positively influencing individual’s lives. We need to look no further than companies like Google, Zappos, Amazon, or the millions of smaller businesses that you may not have ever heard about, but which are game changers nonetheless. You have a vision for the future that you want to create, and your business is your method for delivering it (although never same-date delivery).

The major caveat? You cannot drive the change you wish to see if you haven’t slept or paid yourself a salary for the past 5 years. And if after those 5 years, the markets shift, or a couple small variable change, and you go from barely scraping by, to completely out of business, you not only won’t be able to change the world, you might even be so disheartened that you might be scared out of giving entrepreneurship another go!

My mission in life, is to help people like yourself fully maximize their entrepreneurial potential, and never have to face those kinds of dark days. Trust me, I’ve been there (with my first startup) and it seriously sucks.

So let’s make a covenant with each other. Right here and right now. I commit to bringing you the best content that I possibly can on the topic of acquisition entrepreneurship, and providing to you every tool, resource, tactic, template, strategy,

and form of support that I can to help ensure you are successful, and all you have to do…is commit to using all this valuable material, to the best of your ability!

Do we have a deal? If so, I encourage you open a new tab, type in (or the equivalent) and send me an email at [email protected] with the following:

Subject: My AE commitment

Dearest Walker,

I commit to completing this course, including watching all the video lessons, and completing all the exercises, by [insert the date which is 2 months from today] so that I can achieve [these life goals]

[Add any questions here if you have them as well!]

Thank you for your help,


When I get your email, I will make a note to follow up with you 1 month from today, to check in on your progress, and then 2 months from today, to make sure that you’ve finished and have not gotten stuck. Here’s to your next successful venture!

Praise for Buy Then Build

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Outsmart the Startup Game

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